Dear Readers,
In the this trying time of a world pandemic I thought I would provide what I personally do to help keep myself and my family as safe as possible during this time or at most any other time. As many of you know I’m still in the USA, until further notice and right now the USA is being hit hard by Covid-19. For those that don’t know me well or much about my background other than my women’s work, I spent a couple of years in and out of a microbiology lab a long time ago during my late teenage years and learned early on the challenges dealing with microbes. I have also worked in the wellness and holistic health industries for about 20 years now and am connected to some of the best holistic healers you will find anywhere in the world, in a wide variety of fields ranging from birth, sports, neurology, energy medicine to functional and genetic medicine. I’ve been around the block so to speak in both the holistic and Western practices fields, because I'm also surrounded by those that have family and friends in the conventional Western medical model. Myself, family, friends, and many clients have spent a lot of quality time in the allopathic scene and I do not hesitate to go an allopathic route if needed. This news letter is not a who is better (allopathic or holistic medicine) but more written in the spirit of team work and early prevention. This newsletter focuses on holistic approaches to hopefully prevent and cope with the early onset of Covid-19, because as our medical system and the worlds continues to be placed under more pressure, what we have to fall back on in times of crisis is our own knowledge and resources. Hopefully we won't come to that. There is also a lot of information out there, some useful and some not as useful or even misleading. For example, there is a video circulating facebook messenger of using of a blow dryer on your face to heat up the nasal passages to destroy possible virus cells that maybe there. Please note, if you’ve been sent this video by well meaning friends and family, the Covid-19 virus targets the back of the throat (where it starts) and lungs, not the nasal passages located behind the eyes and nose. The blow dryer method of dealing with Covid-19 is effectively useless in this case. Below you may find some helpful information and some information you may already know. Some information maybe surprising like how to really properly wash your hands or the use of baking soda! I also hope to provide a little inspiration and levity too during this time. Fear maybe the greatest disease we all face, even greater than the Covid-19 virus. When in fear, we do not have the capacity to think clearly and objectively, nor always make the wisest decisions for ourselves and loved ones. However, I also feel it's important to take this virus and it’s health consequences to those most severely effected and at risk seriously. Please note, I am not a medical doctor though I have some of the same cross training as a medical doctor such as in anatomy and physiology including I have studied on cadavers. I have endeavored to be as accurate as possible and note clearly many of the suggestions listed have not been directly studied on Covid-19, at least not yet. If you choose to follow any suggestions here you do so at your own risk, though I have endeavored to give as balanced and as medical reviews as possible. Most of these suggestions are best when applied early on at the first signs of symptoms and as prevention. Our first line of defense is our own health and second to that, is proper hygiene. Also note, being young doesn’t make you immune to possible devastating effects of Covid-19. The greatest risk is getting sick while we have an overwhelmed medical system and severe national shortage of lifesaving supplies. In this light, this newsletter is written to hopefully help keep people safe at least long enough that if you have an issue it won’t be during the spike of this cases during the pandemic. Before I dive into what I do or would do, here is a quote from Bruce Lipton, a developmental biologist from the USA and author of The Biology of Belief, a book about how our thoughts and belief’s shape our very biology. “As presented in The Biology of Belief, stress is responsible for up to 90% of illness, including heart disease, cancer and diabetes. When an individual is in stress, the release of stress hormones (e.g., cortisol) shuts down the immune system to conserve the body’s energy for running away from the perceived stressor, that proverbial “saber-toothed tiger.” […]. If you make efforts to stay healthy, with good nutrition, exercise, taking vitamins and supplements, and more importantly, avoiding stress (e.g., the “fear” of the virus), even if you do get infected with the virus, you will likely only end up with a cold and/or slight fever. […]. The point here is that no matter who you are and what your state of health, you will only benefit from steering clear of the fear and supporting yourself in whatever way feels best to you. Please remember the truth of quantum physics, the most valid of all sciences on the planet: Consciousness is creating your life experiences! Are you being conscious of disease … or of health? Wishing you all Health, Happiness and Harmony. With Love and Light, Bruce” We all need to manage stress as best we can during this trying time, while staying real and present. Below is a broken out list of what I’m doing to stay safe and what I’d do if I suspect an issue. Cover hair and as much of the body as possible when going out: If personal health is the first line of defense, prevention of the spread of Covid-19 is the second line of defense. For this reason, for those that need to go out from time to time to pick up medical supplies, groceries, or what ever, I strongly suggest the covering of hair, and wearing of a mask and long sleeves and pants, when out in public. This virus can survive from a few hours to a few days on surfaces like clothing and hair. If you do not cover your hair, it would be wise to wash your hair after going out. In the case of those with long hair or hair that doesn’t do well with frequent washing, covering your hair allows you to wash the hair cover instead of your hair. Make sure to remove and wash all clothing as soon as you enter your house. Also make sure the hair covering covers all the hair. Better yet, if you have a garage, after going out, change in your garage and then put clothing in a safe place before washing or directly into the washing machine. If you do not cover your hair/head when going out, make sure to shower completely upon returning home. A basic machine wash and dry of clothing set on a regular cycle with regular detergent is enough to safely deactivate the virus. Hand washing video (excellent): This video shows how to properly wash the hands for 20 seconds and is highly informative. It’s in Spanish but the black paint on white gloves get’s the point across beautifully on how easy it is to miss parts of the hands, such as the sides of the wrists. I even learned a thing or two watching this video and I can be very OCD about this kind of thing. I strongly recommend watching this video as a refresher to even the most germ phobic: Sanitization of surfaces video + food safety considerations: The virus seems to break down faster in heat and direct sunlight. However, it has been shown to possibly survive as long as 2 years in cold/frozen conditions, so putting food in the the freezer won’t protect you or your family members. However, cooked food is generally thought of as safe. Check out this video for safely tips when dealing with food from the grocery and take out. Ozone machine both single room and travel size: Ozone has been shown to effectively kill SARS that is a close relative to Covid-19. It is believed ozone will have a similar effect on Covid-19. If I had Covid-19 or was dealing with a sick person in the house, I would run ozone in a room after a sick person has been in it or before sleeping in any new room, such as during times of travel. Before we were suggested to be on lock down here in the State of Georgia, I was running my ozone machine before and after clients, at the start and finish of my day as an extra safety precaution for myself and clients. Below is an article on ozone used to effectively destroy SARs. Please note ozone has been noted to kill fungi, bacteria, and certain virus’s. These are two units that look like they could do the job on Amazon. Please note I am not getting anything for the promotion of these items nor have I used either of these machines before. Small ozone unit (blue): Big ozone unite for a bigger room (yellow): This is the machine I own and use when I travel and in my treatment room, bedroom and bathroom: Note: for larger rooms you have to run this a few times. When I was in China this past December, I had to run this machine about 4 x 30-min times in my hotel room over 48 hrs to get rid of all the funky hotel room smell. I did not get sick while in China, but I also was not located in a Covid-19 hotspot. For international travel with this machine, you will also need a power converter + adapter, ideally this is all in one. Special note on safety of ozone: Always treat ozone with respect and only use away from children and pets and take care with your own lungs. This is not a toy and if not used properly can be dangerous, similar to the fact you would not leave an open bottle of aspirin out for your child or pet to get into. Make sure to aerate well after use in any room treated with ozone for at least an hour or longer with a more powerful machine. Only buy a ozone generating machine on a timer so you do not need to go into a room while it is on. If you can smell the ozone, be mindful a little ozone can be irritating to the lungs and a lot of ozone is caustic and burns the lungs. Ozone has a distinct smell that is hard to forget. It’s naturally created during rain storms where lighting and thunder are present. Ozone is not stable once created and begins to quickly break down to breathable oxygen over a period of 30 minutes to a few hours, depending on the strength of the machine and how much ozone was created + size of room. This is one reason I like my tiny portable machine as I know it’s relatively safe as it can’t create too much ozone but seems to do the job. Again not many studies are out there on ozone but I believe using an ozone machine in hospital settings and on plains could be highly beneficial in potentially slowing the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Zinc: Below is a link to a good article on zinc. There are several forms of zinc. Zinc picolinate is considered the best, most absorbable form of zinc. It may also cause the least amount of stomach upset. Zinc Gluconate found in most lozenges is also good, just slightly less absorbable than zinc picolinate, but usually more affordable. Make sure the lozenges has about 80-92 mg of zinc in it to be effective. Taking zinc early on can help slow the proliferation in the body of the virus and lesson the duration of flu including Covid-19. Elderberry: It doesn’t seem to reduce the chances of getting sick but it does seem to reduce the duration and severity of the flu. It is best used as prevention and it is one of the few natural remedies we have that can help combat viral infections. It is best used when taken early (within first 48 hours of a symptoms) or as prevention. It also has other benefits and unlike oregano oil, most people find it has a pleasant taste. Here is a good article with more information, dosing, and possible drug interactions on Elderberry: Essential oil guide for respiratory health: I have a oil diffuser and have several essential oils I almost always keep on hand. The below article has good recommendations on several potentially useful oils for respiratory health. for example cinnamon oil may help shorter or lesson the duration of a cough and peppermint oil may help ease breathing difficulty and sore throat. Oregano oil maybe helpful for upper respiratory type flus. To read more click below but do not use if pregnant: Other oils shown to have anti-viral compounds (Bergamot, eucalyptus, red thyme, cinnamon leaf): A study on oregano oil when taken orally for certain digestive parasite strains + dosages: There is little additional research on humans in regards to oregano oil but research done on mice and the oil. Article on oregano and possible drug interactions: A little more on oil of oregano: Again, very little human research has been done on oregano oil but it maybe worth a try especially at the early stages or as prevention. Remember oregano oil is very strong and a little goes a long way. Too much can be irritating to the skin and lungs and be aware some people maybe allergic to this herb and it's oil. Proceed with caution and care. Try it out first while you are healthy to make sure no adverse reactions and remember if you try any of these suggestions, you do so at your own risk and accept full responsibility. Baking soda (Sodium Bicarbonate): Taking baking soda supplements may help lesson the duration and intensity of the coronavirus if you suspect you have contracted it by quickly dropping the bodies pH (acidity level). Viruses, including Covid-19 do not thrive in an alkaline environment and this could give the body a chance to get the upper hand in staying well. Remember the body needs a certain pH to function well but over a short period of time, most people will tolerate an increase in body alkalinity induced with sodium bicarbonate. There are possible side effects (you can read more below), though, so it’s important to not take too much for an extended period of time. Please note if you choose to try baking soda you proceed at your own risk. Below is a study done on athletes using it to reduce recovery time by reducing lactic acid build up, along with dosing that is known to be safe in the exercise world. If I were to take sodium bicarbonate this is where I would start. I was not able to find a medical article on using sodium bicarbonate for dealing with possible flu. However scientist do know the virus does better in a more acid environment. This method could be worth a try as our hospitals continue to be over crowded. Again early detection and fast action is vital. Read this article to find out more on baking soda’s use and dosages. This article details the possible side effects to using baking soda internally: Stanford notes on possible early self detection of the Coronavirus and it’s prevention of getting into the lungs: "Prevention of the virus getting into the lungs is vital and actually might be easier than we think if we stay well hydrated. “The new Coronavirus may not show sign of infection for many days. How can you know if you are infected? By the time you have fever and/or cough and go to the hospital, the lung is usually 50% fibrosis. Taiwan experts provide a simple self-check that we can do every morning: Take a deep breath and hold it for more than 10 seconds. If you do this successfully without coughing, without discomfort, stiffness or tightness, there is no fibrosis in the lungs; it basically indicates no infection. In critical times, please self-check every morning in an environment with clean air. Serious excellent advice by Japanese doctors treating COVID-19 cases: Everyone should ensure your mouth & throat are moist, never dry. Take a few sips of water every 15 minutes at least. Why? Even if the virus gets into your mouth, drinking water or other liquids will wash them down through your throat and into the stomach. Once there, your stomach acid will kill all the virus. If you don't drink enough water regularly, the virus can enter your windpipe and then the lungs. That's very dangerous.” So even if you are exposed to Covid-19, if you are fast to take action and drink and gargle regularly with warm water, ideally with a little acid added such as lemon juice or vinegar, you may prevent the virus from spreading to your lungs. If the virus spreads to your lungs this is where the real danger begins. The virus is fast acting so taking action quickly is important. Monitor the room humidity with a hygrometer (a super cheap device): Below is a link to a very interesting study on preschool children, some of the most at risk of catching germs and passing those germs around. This study shows that when relative humidity is kept at between 40%–60% viral infections or the absenteeism (missing of school days) of those getting sick went down by more than 2/3 as compared to the control. This is because the intensity and severity of infection generally goes up the more dry an environment is due to how moist mucous membranes in our body help to keep us well and the nature of a virus in a dry environment. If us humans dry out (we are at least 70% water) we are more susceptible to viral infections of any kind, especially those already going around and very contagious. This may not be as much an issue in the warmer months coming up here in the Northern Hemisphere but certainly something to keep in mind as we move back into winter or those living in a hemisphere already moving into winter that has good heating measures in place. I bought my hygrometer for about $5 on Amazon. Nothing fancy is needed. Read more below on the humidity and pre-schooler study: Vietnam Corona virus public awareness video: Because an occasional dose of levity is good medicine during times of stress. In Vietnam they did an excellent job creating this catchy public out reach song and video to remind people to wash their hands and not touch their face. Maybe try this with your children to get them on board or watch for your own amusement. I hope you find this newsletter helpful and perhaps comforting. Please feel free to share it with friends and also to share if you decide to try any of the suggestions. Wishing everyone wellness and ease! Warmly, Elizabeth
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